Massage Therapy
If you are stressed or in pain then massage can be an effective treatment to help you recover.
Don’t let those aching joints or muscle tension get you down!
Book a massage and see how that can help you start to get back to being your normal fabulous self!
£40 for 30 minutes
£70 for 60 minutes
Relaxation Massage
When leading a busy life taking time out to recharge your batteries is vital. Massage can help lower levels of tension and thereby reduce your stress or anxiety levels.
Research shows that massage has a beneficial effect on hormones that help reduce stress.
Reducing stress, reduces inflammation in the body and helps improve wellbeing.
Clinical Massage
If you have painful shoulders, aching hips or back problems then you need a massage!
Using many techniques adapted from the sports massage world but with a more Eastern approach to treatment, clinical massage can bring many benefits to chronic conditions, allowing you to move more freely .
Sports Massage
So many different ideas for treatment depending on whether you are preparing for an event, post-event or general maintenance sessions.
These factors all contribute to providing you with a bespoke treatment to help you maximise your potential.
Interested in booking a session?
See my availability & book online here